Where will color take you?
As a digital designer at Sherwin-Williams, my primary focus is on creating accessible, functional, and beautiful HTML emails that drive our audiences to explore color, shop online, get great discounts, and have a little fun through interactive modules, trigger campaigns, and personalization.
Together with a talented team of developers and copywriters, we reach 7 million+ customers each and every send.
Super Good Emails
Made With Love
Super Good Emails ✉️ Made With Love ❤️
Email Outcomes
$139.6M email-attributed sales
Q2 2024 Analytics
7% growth in open rates
Attributed to 2021 Responsive Redesign
0.67% E-commerce Conversion Rate
The highest of any Sherwin-Williams digital channel
Besides leading DIY email design at Sherwin-Williams, I get to do other stuff too!
I Designed and maintain Sherwin-Williams’ first-ever DIY-focused blog, Tinted.
I lead design on all DIY segment MMS campaigns
I regularly contribute to our blog with copywriting, SEO, photography and asset management
I creatively supporting additional channels and teams such as social media, in-store signage, packaging and event marketing